25 III: Krystyna Stebnicka (UW), Decius and the historical tradition of Dexippos

The publications of the palimpsest pages of the Vienna manuscript Vind. Hist. gr. 73 by Martin and Gruskova shed new light on the Gothic invasions in the middle decades of the third century. The editors have identified the author of this text as the Athenian historian P. Herennios Dexippos and today all scholars agree with this identification. The aim of my presentation is to comment on the main Greek sources on Decius and the barbarian invasions of his time (i.e. “the old” fragments of Dexippos’ Skythika derived from the Excerpta Constantiniana, the “new” Dexippos, fols. 194-195, Zosimos, Synkellos, and Zonaras).