6 December 2018 Marijana Vuković (UW), Jesus’ Childhood in the Medieval West: Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, and the development of a more human and child-like side of Jesus

6 grudnia na seminarium późnoantycznym wystąpi dr Marijana Vuković (IHUW) z referatem pt. Jesus’ Childhood in the Medieval West: Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, and the development of a more human and child-like side of Jesus.
Abstrakt wystąpienia:
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas is a second-century apocryphal Christian story, which describes the childhood of Jesus Christ from his age of five until he was twelve. It consists of a number of episodes that sequence the miraculous and supernatural, but also the “terrible” actions of the boy Jesus. The Latin version of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, which is the subject of this talk, was widespread in the medieval West, possibly appearing in over 200 manuscripts from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries. As an accessible read, this text tackled medieval minds, influenced the way people see Jesus, and had an impact on a large number of his medieval visual representations. Its popularity shows that Christian Apocrypha directly influenced the Christian piety in the West during the high and late Middle Ages. Particularly the later Latin version of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, which was a translation from Greek, influenced the development of new modes of piety in the medieval West, which fostered the expansion of the more human and child-like side of Jesus.