16.01 Łukasz Różycki (UAM), Hush! The late Roman art of intimidation in the light of selected sources
The purpose of my paper is to examine the Roman art of war through the lens of silence, which was used both to intimidate the enemy and boost the morale ...
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9 I 2025: Cezary Rudnicki (UMCS), The long duration of the Augustinian admonitio: From theology to politics
One of the best-known documents of the Carolingian era is the capitulary issued by Charlemagne in 789 and titled Admonitio generalis by its modern editor. Although we find many documents ...
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19 XII 2024: Daniel Galadza (Pontificio Istituto Orientale), Piecing together Greek liturgy from Jerusalem after Late Antiquity
From Late Antiquity, liturgy in Jerusalem served as a model for the way Christians prayed throughout the Mediterranean world. Fourth-century pilgrim accounts describe worship at Jerusalem’s holy places and its ...
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12 XII 2024: Andrea Bernier (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika), Deconstructing the Theodosian Code. Archives and collections of laws in the later Roman empire
The Theodosian Code is a mine of information on all manner of subjects for modern historians of late Antiquity. Despite the wealth of data, however, there is a general problem ...
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5 XII 2024 Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh), Reinterpreting Ammianus Marcellinus: a new translation and a new edition
The Res gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus was transmitted through two closely-related Carolingian manuscripts, the better of which was lost in the sixteenth century and survives only in fragments and indirect ...
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28 XI 2024: Agata Deptuła & Adam Łajtar: Severus of Antioch in Nubia. Tracing early Christian traditions in Qasr Ibrim’s Greek manuscripts
Qasr Ibrim, located on the right bank of the Nile midway between the first and second cataracts, stands as a significant medieval settlement, seat of the civilian authorities of the ...
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