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Summer Semester 2025


Always on Thursday, 4.45 p.m., Room 203 at the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw

To get a link, please send a message to the conveners: Agata Deptuła (agata.deptula@uw.edu.pl) or Robert Wiśniewski (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl


20.02   Tomasz Derda (UW), Tomasz Borowski (UW), Julia Burdajewicz (ASP) & Piotr Zakrzewski (UW) For Body and Soul. A Bath Complex and a Church, or on Monumentalism in Philoxenite on Lake Mareotis

27.02   Julia Schwarzer (Universität Regensburg), Christian Brotherhoods and Liturgical Song during Long Late Antiquity

6.03     Mar Marcos (Universidad de Cantabria) Ecclesiastical Rivalries and Urban Violence in Late Antique Rome: Evidence from Canonical Collections

13.03   Nicola Holm (UW) Constantius II and Ecclesiastical Politics: Creeds, Councils and Troublesome Bishops

20.03   Noel Lenski (Yale University) Feeding a Young Capital: The Food Supply of Constantinople in the Fourth Century

27.03   Daria Elagina (Hamburg Universität) & Dorota Dzierzbicka (UW), An Ethiopian pilgrim at Old Dongola, Sudan. New insights from a Vatican manuscript

3.04     Paweł Filipczak (Uniwersytet Łódzki) Commentary on John Malalas (XI, 3-4) on Emperor Trajan’s Expedition to the East

10.04   Zachary Chitwood (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Eastern Roman Law, Islam and the First Millennium: Prolegomena to a ius commune orientale

24.04   Perrine Pilette (CNRS – UMR8167 Orient & Méditerranée) Patriarchs, Month After Month : Rewritings of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria in the Copto-Arabic Synaxarion

8.05     Stephen Shoemaker (University of Oregon) Religious Literacy in the Late Ancient Near East: Liturgical Catechesis and Not-So-Simple Believers of Roman Arabia

15.05   Peter Van Nuffelen (Universiteit Gent) The Easter Date at the Council of Nicaea: Old and New Evidence

22.05    Szymon Maślak (UW) Brick Industry in Late Antique Alexandria

29.05   Przemysław Nehring (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika) St Augustine’s Sermons 355-356 as an Example of Communication Strategy in an Institution’s Reputational Crisis – Rhetorical Analysis vs. Modern Crisis Management Theory

5.06     Thomas Laver (University of Cambridge) New Insights into the Organisation of Monastic Estates in Egypt, 5th-9th c.



Semestr zimowy / winter semester 2024/2025

Always on Thursday, 4.45 p.m. Warsaw time, in Room 203 at the Faculty of Law and on Zoom.

To get a link, please send a message to the conveners: Agata Deptuła (agata.deptula@uw.edu.pl) or Robert Wiśniewski (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl


​​3.10 Laurent Ripart (Université Savoie Mont Blanc), The bipolar organisation of early Lerinian monasticism 

10.10 Matthias Sandberg (Universität Münster), There and back again: the princeps humilis and the late antique empire

17.10 Verena Fugger (independent), The power of bones: on the agency of relics in the North Syrian Desert steppe

24.10 Paulina Komar (UW), Wine, church and economy during Late Antiquity 

31.10 No seminar

7.11 Jakob Riemenschneider (Universität Giessen), Social distinctions and commonalities in sixth-century Gaza

14.11 Basemah Hamarneh (Universität Wien), Iconophobia in the Churches of the Levant: (Re)inventing images or seeking salvation?

21.11 Serena Ammirati (Università Roma Tre), References and cross-references in late antique law books: a few years after REDHIS

28.11   Adam Łajtar & Agata Deptuła (UW) Severus of Antioch in Nubia. Tracing early Christian traditions in Qasr Ibrim’s Greek manuscripts

5.12 Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh), Reinterpreting Ammianus Marcellinus: a new translation and a new edition

12.12 Andrea Bernier (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika), Deconstructing the Theodosian Code. Archives and collections of laws in the later Roman empire

19.12 Daniel Galadza (Pontificio Istituto Orientale), Piecing together Greek liturgy from Jerusalem after Late Antiquity 

9.01 Cezary Rudnicki (Uniwersytet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie), The long duration of the Augustinian admonitio: From theology to politics

16.01 Łukasz Różycki (Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza),  Hush! The late Roman art of intimidation in the light of selected sources

23.01 Przemysław Piwowarczyk (Uniwersytet Śląski), What did laypeople do during the Coptic Mass? – a non-liturgical perspective



Semestr letni / Spring semester 2023/2024

Always on Thursday, 4.45 p.m. Warsaw time, in Room 203 at the Faculty of Law and on Zoom.

To get a link, please send a message to Robert Wiśniewski (r.wisniewski@uw.edu.pl)


22.02 Alexandra Madeła (UW) Mapping out mythical Troy: The spaces of Dares Phrygius’ De Excidio Troiae and ancient scholarship on Homer’s geography
29.02 Haggai Olshanetsky (UW) & Lev Cosijns (Oxford University) Using macro-scale data to understand the relationship between climate, demography and economy in Late Antiquity
7.03 Philippe Blaudeau (Université d’Angers) Seeking to re-establish contact in the midst of the Acacian schism. Study of an attempt to renew contact between the sees of Alexandria and Rome under imperial auspices in 497
14.03 Kontantinos Balamoshev, Maria Nowak & Marzena Wojtczak (UW) Law in Social Networks of late antique Aphrodite – preliminary results and a case study
21.03 Jerzy Szafranowski (UW) The founder, the cleric, and the bishop. Private churches in the sixth-century West
4.04 Katinka Sewing (Universität Heidelberg) Broken and buried. The curious case of the marble slabs from the Bishop’s church in Doliche (Southeast Turkey)
11.04 Paweł Nowakowski (UW) ‘I pray, do not focus on their barbarous tongue.’ The written and spoken languages in monasteries of early Byzantine Syria
18.04 Roberto Alciati (Università degli Studi di Firenze) Before the relics: Cases of Christian resistance to the agency of objects
25.04 Maya Maskarinec (USC Dornsife) Property and piety: the houses of saints in late antique and early medieval Rome
9.05 Tomasz Waliszewski (UW) Contemporary approaches to the study of the Roman city: a multi-disciplinary dialogue around processes of urbanisation and Romanisation in Mustis (Africa)
16.05 Alexander Sarantis (Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie, Mainz) The Byzantine-Islamic Frontier in Cappadocia and Cilicia, 640-750: Strategy, Warfare, and Socio-Economic Trends
23.05 Anna Sitz (Universität Tübingen) The writing on the wall: the fates of ancient inscriptions in late antique cities
6.06 Arietta Papaconstantinou (Aix-Marseille Université) Identifying the governor’s secretaries in eighth-century Fustat: another look at the Aphrodito archive
13.06 Phil Booth (Oxford University) John of Ephesus as historian

Semestr zimowy / Winter semester 2023/2024


4.10 Ewa Wipszycka (UW) Co się zmieniło w monastycyzmie egipskim między czwartym wiekiem a początkiem ósmego
12.10 Lucy Grig (University of Edinburgh) Representations of the emperor in late antique popular culture
19.10 Lieve Van Hoof (Ghent University) Libanius’ Oration for the Prisoners: A plea against social injustice
26.10 Jakub Urbanik (UW) On the function of the Petition of Dionysia (P. Oxy. II 237)
9.11 Mateusz Fafiński (University of Erfurt) Monks or citizens: Monasticism and civic unrest in Edessa?
16.11 Marta Szada (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń) Priesthood, Christian discipline and orthodoxy in the Opus imperfectum in  Matthaeum
23.11 Julia Borczyńska (UW) / Karol Kłodziński (University of Gdańsk) / Mohammed Abid (Université de la Manouba, Tunis) Charakterystyka dotychczasowych odkryć epigraficznych z Musti (Afryka Prokonsularna) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem późnoantycznego carmen
30.11 Michael Hahn (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) Clerics at the hippodrome? Foucault’s heterotopia, spatial semantics, and the construction of norms in late antique church Communities
7.12 Ivan Foletti (Masaryk University, Brno) Experiencing the sacred in one’s own skin: images and liturgy in late antique Rome
14.12 Eric Fournier (West Chester University) Anticipating disaster: Honorius, forbearance and the limits of religious coercion in late Roman North Africa
11.01 Dobrochna Zielińska (UW) Holy mothers of the Nile Valley. Indigenous traditions in transition during the late antique and early Byzantine period
18.01 Jim Walker (University of Zurich) Natural landscape and places of devotion intertwined: Merovingian Gaul under the lens
25.01  Yaniv Fox (University of Bar Ilan) The limits of allegory: biblical exegesis and political commentary in Justus of Urgell and Caesarius of Arles